
We are proud to announce that we have successfully been verified as vendors! That means we are now part of an exclusive community of software engineering professionals where transparency and quality are the only way in.

To begin with, here’s how it happened and what the verification process means for our company moving forward.

betterqa joins the top 7% at!


The immense growth in the software industry led to more complicated processes when it comes to choosing the right providers and building great relationships.

Preparing the right documentation, verifying specific skills, needs, approaches, and values gets easier with the help of a vendor’s platform such as The platform focuses on well-needed transparency between companies and clients through in-depth analytics and well-documented business profiles. 

Considering all that, we decided that adding Pangea to our partner network would be a great asset. 


The verification process covers all the fundamental elements of a company – from business strategy and financial aspects to company culture and HR logistics. The requirements include in-depth analytics and carefully crafted questionnaires that requested participation from every team member, not only the QA department, a very interesting aspect for a software engineering platform.

That means we had to survey every single one of our team members in order to verify aspects such as team dynamic, general satisfaction, and figure out how healthy our team is. 

Luckily, on the client-side, we didn’t have to do so much surveying. We keep track of our client satisfaction through constant verification and very detailed final reviews (that you can see on our website or our public profiles). 

The Key Findings

After uploading all the documentation, the results were in. Gathering analytics from an outsider reviewer led us to analyze the organizational aspects of our company from a new perspective. 

We managed a good average score of 8.8/10!

To keep it short, our Team Health score (derived from the team member’s sentiment across 8 key areas) is an average of 8.2/10, while the Client score (derived from the client sentiment collected from respective references continuously) is 8.8/10, both representing very good outcomes. Our highest score is 9.5 for Quality Assurance and Technical Expertise, two sections where we expected to do well.

Our performance insights have once again proven that our company’s strength lies in our technical skills and business strategy. It was very satisfying to find out that our clients are thrilled with our work and project quality! After all, we are a quality assurance company.

On the team side, we also gained a lovely score of 8.8/10 on Personal Growth and 8.1 for Company Culture, the result of long-time dedication and commitment, which allowed us to grow from a small company to a versatile team of 34 full-time employees! Check out our new series of employee spotlights here!

There is one thing we need to work on!

Our lowest score was 7.9 for Employee Satisfaction, which is why we are working towards a better feedback process (both for and from the employees) and general team well-being through regular evaluations, picking more ambitious projects, and promotions logistics.

Our Conclusions

We’re excited to see where Pangea’s recognition will take us! We are ready to commit to growth and implement new strategies that could take our rating further in the future regarding internal company procedures as well as the client department.

The results we have so far show where we are at the moment, but they also emphasize where we could go from here. Our goal is to meet the most ambitious objectives of our partners by focusing on a niche like software testing, and we hope to make our mark in the IT industry. Similarly, we expect the platform to challenge us to improve continuously. 

With our attested progress on our verified Pangea profile, we hope to create better connections with partners who share our values of top quality, client satisfaction, and transparency.

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