Non Functional Tests You’re Not Running


Introduction of Non Functional Testing types It’s been a while since most companies realized that simply developing software does not guarantee success. Building successful software also means testing it to ensure quality. In this process, several non functional testing types are crucial to evaluate the software you’ve built.  If functional testing ensures that the functionalities of your […]

The Importance of Localization Testing

post 1@4x

Introduction ローカリゼーションテストは、ソフトウェアと ウェブサイトのローカリゼーションプロセスの重要な部分です. このプロセスは、ソフトウェアとウェブサイトが別の言語と地域にローカライズされている場合に発生します. ローカリゼーションテスターは、製品のテストを実行して、新しいユーザーが利用できるようにします。 Oh, we were talking about localization testing, of course!  Not sure if you understood what we were saying so far. What is Localization Testing? Localization testing is an important part of the software and website localization process. The process occurs when software and websites are localized in another language or […]