STLC: Agile Testing

STLC in Agile testing is a testing approach that aligns with Agile software development principles. It emphasizes ongoing testing collaboration within Agile teams, ensuring that testing activities are integrated seamlessly throughout the development process.

Shift-Left Testing Benefits in Modern Software Development

introduction In today’s competitive software development landscape, delivering high-quality products quickly and efficiently is paramount. One approach that has gained traction in recent years is Shift-Left Testing, which emphasizes the importance of integrating testing activities earlier in the development process....

Agile Scrum: Testers Maximizing Efficiency and Collaboration

introduction The Agile Scrum methodology has become a popular approach to software development due to its emphasis on flexibility, collaboration, and iterative progress. Testers play a crucial role in ensuring that Agile Scrum teams deliver high-quality software products. This article...

Bug reports: how to write expected results

Introduction A successful bug report shows the developer the difference between the expected behavior and the actual test results. It is a tester’s job to know how to write actual bug reports and expected results properly. Following the bug summary...

Testing Behind the Scenes – Global Trade Project

Introduction We’ve just started working on a global trade project, and we’re excited to tell you all about it! But first, let’s go through the basics. Software testing for a Global Trade project Global trade software appeared as a response...

Testing Behind The Scenes – Crypto Wallet Project

Blockchain technology testing Blockchain technology became more mainstream a couple of years ago. However, not a lot of testers have the experience of working on a crypto wallet project. This morning we had a chat with one of our manual...