Software testing is an indispensable part of the software development process. Most people have had their hands on a software product, and while the process itself of testing a product may seem confusing and misleading, we can all agree on the importance of a functional, bug-free product.

Prior experience with software testing can also influence your opinion of the industry. Poor quality testing can lead to misunderstanding. On the other hand, expert testers can give unrealistic expectations regarding the trials and errors of software testing.

Considering all these aspects, we will examine some of the most common software testing myths. We also asked our QA team to give their input and include some myths they encountered during their testing career.

Myth #1: Manual testing is dead

The use of software to automate test execution is highly beneficial, especially for time efficiency and budget costs. However, that doesn’t mean that efficiency is guaranteed through automation alone.

Automation cannot replace manual testing because the software does not check every feature. Manually-handled test cases can expose issues that have been overlooked in the automation process. Our testers have also agreed that “manual testing will always be needed as automation is just a part of the software testing life cycle.”

Myth #2 - In the future, automation will replace manual testing

One of the most common misconceptions in the software testing industry is that automation tools will fully replace manual testing. As we’ve seen in the myth above, automation testing is not yet enough to complete the software testing life cycle, and it may be that it will never fully replace manual testing.

Manual testers delve deeper into the vulnerabilities of a product by using a personalized approach to solving issues. While our testers admit that “automation may solve some problems like the execution of repetitive tasks,” a manual tester pays attention to features that directly impact the users and can empathize with the user’s needs.

Myth #3 - Test scripts can run for all versions of builds

This myth is partially true. A test script is “a sequence of instructions for the execution of a test.” Test scripts can undergo changes depending on the updates made to the software’s build. Testers make these changes for various reasons, such as checking the product’s functionality, interactions with third-party tools, or prior code fixes made to eliminate bugs. However, as one of our testers points out, “using carefully designed parameters and environments in your test scripting can ensure your test will run on different versions of builds.”

Myth #4 - Only test after the product is complete

Testing after the product is fully developed might seem convenient. However, it’s not enough for testers to just look at the bigger picture and assume that performing a final test will uncover all the existing bugs. Software development is an ongoing process with potential issues appearing at each development stage.

To emphasize this, our testers pointed out that “the testing of a product starts early in the requirements and the design phases.” Testing during the production phase helps find issues in each change and update, ensuring that users receive a functional product.

Myth #5 - A tester’s only job is to find bugs

At first, you might think that testers are just looking for bugs. This task is just a small part of the whole software testing process. In addition to just finding bugs, our QA team at BQA emphasizes that “a tester’s role goes beyond just finding bugs, including tasks such as verifying that the software meets specified requirements, identifying areas for improvement, and providing feedback to the development team.”

Other myths that have ‘bugged’ our software testers:

There are plenty of myths surrounding the process of software testing. Our QA team decided to include some false myths they have encountered so far in their career:

  • Software testers aren’t really necessary;
  • Testing takes too much time to be worthwhile;
  • Live bugs are the tester’s fault;
  • The only way to grow from a tester is to become a developer;
  • Not meeting a deadline is due to the testing team.
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