manual testing


Testing as a Service (TaaS): Efficiency and Expertise in Software Development

Introduction In the rapidly evolving world of software development, Testing as a Service (TaaS) has emerged as a transformative approach that offers many benefits over traditional testing methods. TaaS involves outsourcing testing activities to a third-party provider who manages these...

ISO 13485 and EU MDR: The Importance of Quality in Medical Software

Introduction The health and medical industries depend more on software applications to provide essential services, manage patient information, and operate medical devices more efficiently than ever before. This reliance on software makes its quality non-negotiable, ensuring safety, reliability, and efficiency...

Why the Google Accessibility Scan Tool Isn’t Enough

Introduction In the digital world, ensuring that web content is accessible to all users, including those with disabilities, is a paramount concern for organizations. The Google Accessibility Scan Tool has emerged as a popular resource for identifying accessibility issues within...

QA Misunderstood: Busting 6 Common Misconceptions

Introduction As software development progresses rapidly, how we view and use Quality Assurance is changing. Many people misunderstand QA, thinking it’s a last-minute check before software goes live. This view misses the big picture—that QA is vital to creating software...

6 Reasons Why Software Quality Assurance is Needed in the E-Commerce Industry

Introduction The importance of top-notch software quality in the growing world of e-commerce can’t be stressed enough. Nowadays, websites are often the main places where businesses and customers meet, making it super important to offer a smooth shopping experience. Software...

The Essential Software Testing Skills for Beginners in 2024

Introduction As the digital landscape evolves, the demand for skilled software testers continues to soar. For those just beginning their journey in 2024, acquiring the right set of skills is crucial to ensure a successful career in Quality Assurance (QA)....

Why Cross-Platform Testing is Crucial: A Deep Dive

Introduction Once upon a time, everyone was pretty much using Internet Explorer on a Windows machine. Those days are as gone as dial-up modems. In the modern era, the tech ecosystem has exploded into a buffet of choices. We’re talking...

Outsourced Software Testing Services: Game Changer in 7 Steps

Introduction As we delve into the current landscape of the industry, it becomes increasingly clear that software testing, particularly when outsourced, is emerging as an important part of the development process. As a result, more and more software developer companies...

Software Release Management and QA’s Multi-Faceted Role

Introduction When you think about Quality Assurance, the first thing that pops into your head might be a group of people hunched over their computers, sifting through lines of code to find those pesky bugs. But let’s level up that...