
Web accessibility is more than just an add-on; it’s a necessity. This is why an Accessibility Testing Checklist is essential. As we become increasingly reliant on technology for all facets of our lives, it’s crucial that digital platforms be designed to be inclusive to all, irrespective of any physical or cognitive disabilities. This approach to digital inclusivity isn’t just about ethical considerations; it also makes good business sense. According to the World Health Organization, over a billion people, or approximately 15% of the world’s population, have some form of disability. This statistic alone underscores the need for an Accessibility Testing Checklist to ensure accessible digital spaces.

At BetterQA, we believe that web accessibility is a core component of quality assurance. It’s not just about ticking off items in an Accessibility Testing Checklist; it’s about ensuring that everyone, regardless of their physical or cognitive abilities, can access and benefit from online content. It’s a commitment to digital inclusivity that we take seriously, drawing upon our extensive experience in sectors as diverse as medical software, fin-tech, IoT, and even video games.

The Importance of Web Accessibility

Legal Requirements

Failing to comply with accessibility standards can have severe consequences, including hefty fines and lawsuits. In the United States, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) has been increasingly interpreted to include websites and mobile applications. Legal actions against non-compliant businesses are on the rise, and the costs of such actions go far beyond the financial penalties. There’s also the damage to your brand’s reputation, which can have long-term repercussions.

Broader Audience

An accessible website is not just a legal safeguard; it’s also a powerful customer engagement tool. By making your website accessible, you open doors to a broader audience. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, nearly 1 in 5 people in the United States have a disability. That’s a significant market segment that you could be missing out on if your website is not accessible.

Enhanced SEO

Google and other search engines prioritize websites that provide a better user experience, and accessibility is a part of that equation. Features that make a website more accessible, like semantic HTML markup or alt text for images, also make the site more machine-readable, thereby enhancing its SEO.

Better User Experience

Good accessibility is good design. Simple and intuitive navigation, easily readable text, and a clear, logical layout all contribute to an excellent user experience. When a website is accessible, it is generally more user-friendly for all visitors, not just those with disabilities.

Before we delve into the actual checklist, let’s take a moment to understand why web accessibility is not just an option but a necessity:

The 7 Essential Steps in Your Accessibility Testing Checklist

Step 1: Preliminary Assessment

Before you embark on a detailed accessibility audit, it’s vital to carry out a preliminary assessment. This initial step helps you identify glaring accessibility issues that can be immediately fixed. Utilize automated testing tools like Axe or WAVE, which can scan your website and provide quick insights into common accessibility problems such as missing alt text, poor color contrast, and improper HTML semantic structuring.

BetterQA Insight

At BetterQA, we advocate for a hybrid approach that marries automated tools with manual testing. Automated tools can quickly flag issues, but they lack the nuance of human judgment. Manual testing fills this gap, making the preliminary assessment both broad and deep.

Step 2: WCAG Compliance Check

The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) are the most widely accepted standards for web accessibility. Developed and maintained by the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), these guidelines provide a detailed framework for making web content more accessible to people with disabilities. Ensure your website complies with the latest WCAG 2.1 AA guidelines, which include criteria like text alternatives for non-text content, captions for videos, and keyboard accessibility.

BetterQA Insight

Compliance is not a one-time task; it’s an ongoing commitment. That’s why our team at BetterQA stays abreast of any updates to the WCAG standards. We ensure that your website is not only compliant today but also prepared for future guidelines. If you want to learn more about the importance of WCAG guidelines, check out our blog article on 4 BEST STEPS TO COMPLY WITH WCAG GUIDELINES.


Step 3: Keyboard Accessibility

Keyboard accessibility is often overlooked but is crucial for users who rely on keyboard navigation due to mobility impairments. Every feature on your website that’s available through a mouse or touch should be equally accessible via keyboard-only navigation. This includes not just clicking buttons but also filling out forms, selecting options from dropdowns, and triggering any interactive elements.

BetterQA Insight

At BQA, our testing goes beyond mere navigation. We also look at the efficiency of keyboard accessibility by testing features like keyboard shortcuts and tabbing sequences. This ensures that users can not only access all elements but also navigate your website efficiently.

Step 4: Screen Reader Compatibility

Screen readers are essential tools for visually impaired users, converting digital text into synthesized speech. However, screen readers rely on proper HTML semantics to interpret and narrate the content correctly. Therefore, it’s crucial to test your website for compatibility with popular screen readers like JAWS, NVDA, and VoiceOver.

BetterQA Insight

Our experience in medical software testing has given us a profound understanding of the importance of screen reader compatibility. We don’t just run standard tests; we simulate real-world scenarios to ensure that all elements of your website are not only accessible but also meaningful when narrated.

Step 5: Color Contrast and Text Readability

Visual presentation matters, not just for aesthetics but also for readability. One of the essential criteria in this aspect is the contrast between the text and its background. Low contrast can make text difficult to read, particularly for users with low vision or color perception deficiencies. Tools like the Color Contrast Analyzer can help you evaluate the contrast levels on your website and ensure they meet the minimum WCAG 2.1 requirements.

BetterQA Insight

We go beyond the standard contrast checks at BetterQA. Our team performs a nuanced analysis that also takes into account various forms of color blindness, ensuring that your website’s visual presentation is inclusive in the truest sense.

Step 6: Form and Input Fields

Forms are integral to user interaction on websites, whether it’s signing up for a newsletter or completing a purchase. Therefore, it’s crucial that all form fields are accessible. Labels should be clearly associated with their respective input fields, and error messages should be designed to be easily understood and actionable.

BetterQA Insight

Forms are often the point where a user commits to your website, be it through a subscription or a purchase. We ensure that this critical point in the user journey is as smooth and accessible as possible, going beyond mere compliance to deliver a genuinely user-friendly experience.

Step 7: Multimedia Accessibility

The web is a multimedia platform, and it’s vital that all types of content are accessible. For images, this means providing meaningful alternative text (alt text) that can be read by screen readers. For videos, this means offering captions and possibly a transcript, so the content is accessible to users with hearing impairments.

BetterQA Insight

Multimedia content often serves as a hook that keeps users engaged. Our comprehensive multimedia testing ensures that this content is accessible, but we also look at the overall user experience, making sure that the multimedia elements serve their intended purpose effectively and inclusively.


Accessibility is not just another item on a QA Checklist; it’s a critical component of your digital strategy. The 7-step Accessibility Testing Checklist provided here serves as a comprehensive guide to achieving not only compliance but also excellence in web accessibility.

At BQA, our approach is shaped by our extensive experience across various testing domains, from healthcare to fintech. Our testing methodologies are designed to ensure that your website isn’t just compliant but offers an inclusive user experience that respects the diversity of all its users.

In a world that’s increasingly digital, web accessibility is not a luxury or an afterthought; it’s a necessity. It’s not just about avoiding legal repercussions; it’s about building a web that includes everyone. That’s the future we’re committed to at BetterQA, and we invite you to join us in making it a reality.

You can also check out our Practical Guide to Accessibility Testing for more information about how to ensure that your software is inclusive. 

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