Risk Management

An essential part of proper planning includes dealing with project risks. When project risks are identified, they are communicated to and acted upon by our project manager. Such risks are not always within the power of the testing organization to reduce.

However, some project risks can and should be mitigated successfully by our Test Manager, such as:

Approaches to project risk management include preparing the testware earlier, pre-testing test environments, pre-testing of early versions of the product, applying more demanding entry criteria to testing, enforcing requirements for testability, participating in reviews of early project work products, participating in change management, and monitoring the project progress and quality.

After identifying and analyzing a project risk, there are four main options for conducting risk management:

Selecting the best option depends on the benefits and opportunities created by the option, as well as the cost and, potentially, any additional risks associated with the option. When a contingency plan is identified for project risk, the best practice is to identify a trigger (which will determine when and how the contingency plan is invoked) and an owner (who will carry out the contingency plan).
