Automation: Tools & Frameworks

Automation tools and frameworks are software solutions that streamline and simplify tasks, processes, and workflows by reducing manual effort, improving efficiency, and enhancing productivity in various domains such as testing, development, infrastructure, security, and more.

Tosca: Enhancing Software Quality Assurance

Introduction Ensuring software quality before it reaches the end user is paramount in the software industry. QA engineers play a crucial role in this process, and having the right tools is essential. Tosca, developed by Tricentis, is a comprehensive test...

Why the Google Accessibility Scan Tool Isn’t Enough

Introduction In the digital world, ensuring that web content is accessible to all users, including those with disabilities, is a paramount concern for organizations. The Google Accessibility Scan Tool has emerged as a popular resource for identifying accessibility issues within...

Test Automation Frameworks: Choosing the Right One

introduction In the fast-paced world of software development, test automation has become an essential component of an effective Quality Assurance (QA) strategy. Test automation frameworks are the backbone of automated testing, providing a structured and consistent approach to executing, managing,...

Meet Maveryx: Elevate Your Test Automation with Our Expert Support

At BetterQA, we are dedicated to finding innovative tools that enrich our testing and quality assurance services. Today we’re pleased to present Maveryx, a versatile test automation framework that is enhancing the way we approach testing. As a company committed...

Migrating to Katalon Studio from TestProject: A Comprehensive Guide

Introduction: Migrating from TestProject to Katalon Studio As you may already know, TestProject, a popular test automation platform, is closing its doors. This news has left many users wondering about their options and how to migrate their projects to a new...

Getting Started with Appium – A Beginner’s Guide

Introduction If you’re at the beginning of your software testing journey, Appium could be the right step towards gaining new mobile app automation testing skills. With web and mobile applications becoming a necessity in our day-to-day lifestyle, we find ourselves...

Comparison between Selenium and Cypress

Introduction Our last article tackled Selenium, its history, the set of tools and usability within the web-testing framework, and how to get started on your journey with Selenium. This time, we decided to dive deeper into web testing tools by...

Selenium Success: Unveiling 3 Essential Tools

Introduction If you’re at the start of your software testing journey, a beginner’s guide to Selenium could be the right step towards gaining new skills to kickstart your career.  As you gradually learn new terms such as Java and C#...

Cypress: “Test Your Code, not your patience.”

Introduction Cypress’ mission is to make testing simple and enjoyable by building an open-source ecosystem where you can thrive and be productive. And they take accountability for making it work. What is Cypress? Cypress is a free testing tool built...