Performance: QA Perspectives & Challenges

Performance: QA Perspectives & Challenges examines how QA teams tackle and overcome performance-related issues in software. It highlights the unique viewpoints and difficulties QA professionals encounter while ensuring software operates efficiently.

Test Independence – A guide to achieve it

Introduction Test independence, a beacon for quality in software development, can often feel elusive to integrate into existing processes. But fear not; this narrative serves as your practical guide to conquering the challenges and achieving test independence within your team...

Quality Assurance: A Tale of Unforeseen Challenges

Introduction As a company wholly dedicated to Quality Assurance (QA), we appreciate its pivotal role in shaping an optimal product experience for customers. We advocate for Quality Assurance at every stage of the development cycle to forestall potential issues that...

Is Manual Testing Dying In The 21st Century?

Is manual testing dead, or: 1.Is automation testing enough for your testing needs? 2.Is there something else a QA engineers can do except write automation scripts? First, let’s break it down – what can we do to obtain and maintain...