Last week, we asked our colleagues about their experiences before and after switching careers to software testing. If you’re thinking about taking the leap yourself but are hesitant, check out these other two interviews we got!

From Salesman to QA

Our third employee talked a bit about the difficult road from a sales position to a software tester through the lens of someone with no previous IT experience or knowledge.

Tell us a bit about your previous work fields.

At the beginning of my career, I worked as a customer relations specialist, a salesman in B2C, B2B, and finally, a Sales Manager. Afterward, my path led me to business development, facility management, and 3D Printing sales representative. A rollercoaster of career changes, indeed.

Was it a hard decision for you to choose to pursue a new career? 

No, I took things gradually. Not having prior IT experience made me understand I needed specialized courses. I set my goal and knew that I would see results with the right amount of time and effort invested. 

What skills from your previous work translate the most to QA work?

Although the two fields are different, sales work demands some technical knowledge. Skills like time management, planning, and communication are needed in any industry.

How did you discover what kind of work you enjoy doing? How come you chose software testing? 

I was always curious about the IT industry. When I decided to start taking the first steps towards it, the courses I took helped me choose which area fits me best. Testing matched my personality the most.

Do you have any regrets? Would you do anything differently?

The only regret I have is that I did make this decision sooner.

What advice do you have for someone who wants to change their career path?

It can be hard to understand or even overwhelming when viewed from the outside. However, make a plan, set realistic expectations, and be patient to follow your objectives. By taking small steps, things will come together, and you will see results.

If you dream about it, do it! The rest will fall into place eventually.

Manager Copyright/Tour guide to QA

For our fourth interview, the hardest part was choosing to make the switch after 8 years of working in a non-technical field and how the working field would perceive this change.

Tell us a bit about your previous work fields.

I worked in different fields, most of them related to humanities profiles due to my studies.

Was it a hard decision for you to choose to pursue a new career? 

It was a tough decision for several reasons. First of all, I had been indecisive about which direction to go in. Given my studies, I doubted for many years whether I could manage to work in a technical field, which was out of my comfort zone. 

Secondly, I was unsure if I would enjoy working in a technical field. Liking what you do for work is an important aspect for me, given that we spend most of our day at the office. 

And lastly, I was thinking about how this change will be reflected in my CV at interviews after eight years of experience in a completely different field. Yet, slowly, these fears started to diminish while starting the actual journey.  

What skills from your previous work translate the most to QA work?

I carry two essential skills from my previous jobs: attention to detail and efficient communication, which I believe are crucial for my current position as a tester.

How did you discover what kind of work you enjoy doing? How come you chose software testing?

One of the skills I mentioned earlier was the deciding factor in choosing to go for a testing position: my attention to detail. Along with a tendency for perfectionism, it made me believe I would be fit for such a role.

Do you have any regrets? Would you do anything differently?

So far, I am very happy with my decision. It is a completely different environment not only for the work itself but everything else: people, mentality, demeanor, communication. 

I see myself growing professionally and emotionally in this environment, which I could not say about my previous experiences.

What advice do you have for someone who wants to change their career path?

To quote a famous trademark line: “Just do it.” If you think about it, it is clear that the current situation is not good or satisfying for you. 

Usually, the only thing blocking us when making a significant change is our minds. Overcoming your fears and starting the process of change is the biggest obstacle but also the most rewarding when you succeed.

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