Acceptance/ Sanity/ Smoke Testing: A QA Guide

Introduction Let’s talk about the differences between smoke testing, sanity testing, and user acceptance testing (UAT). Generally, there is some confusion surrounding the topic of smoke testing vs. sanity testing. You might also be confused about why UAT is next to them. We want to clear it all out in this article. Since all of […]
Software Testing: Embracing a Bright QA Career Path Part 2

Last week, we asked our colleagues about their experiences before and after switching careers to software testing. If you’re thinking about taking the leap yourself but are hesitant, check out these other two interviews we got! From Salesman to QA Our third employee talked a bit about the difficult road from a sales position to […]
Software Testing: Embracing a Bright QA Career Path Part 1

People from all fields are migrating towards a career in software testing. They don’t always have IT experience, but they all share a passion for technology and want to learn more about it. Our recruiters can vouch for it. We asked our colleagues about their experiences before and after switching careers. If you’re thinking about […]
Employee Spotlight 05: Rucsandra Brun

Another Employee Spotlight: Meet Rucsandra Brun We are back with another employee spotlight. This time, we are presenting another one of our manual testers: Rucsandra’s two big passions are testing and video games, so there’s no wonder she tried to have a career doing both. Before embarking on a software testing journey, she worked for […]
How to handle Dev-QA interactions if things don’t go according to plan

Introduction As a software tester, your main focus should be reporting issues and prioritizing customer satisfaction. However, doing it successfully depends on many factors outside of your control. The interactions between dev-QAs can become challenging if there is a lack of cooperation. Your teams need cooperation. How to foster it? Most of the time, the testing […]
Employee Spotlights: QA Engineer & Guiarist, Flaviu Sălăgean

It’s time for another employee spotlight: let’s talk about Flaviu Sălăgean! Having a head start in tech as a UI/UX designer, Flaviu Salagean quickly became one of the most valued testers at our company. Although not in his plan originally, he is now one of the very skilled QA Engineers working at BetterQA, all because […]
Employee Spotlights 01: Bianca Iancu

Employee Spotlights: Walking in the Shoes of Bianca Iancu for a Day Our team is our strongest suit! It’s about time you get to know it through a new series of posts on our blog: employee spotlights! The first one to go is one of our QA Engineers, Bianca Iancu! Bianca joined us right after […]
2020 Business Review

Introduction Despite the stress of the pandemic and project cuts, we still managed to reinvent ourselves. We found new, creative ways to obtain projects and still had time to train our resources by attending workshops and tutorials. Something we can say with certainty about 2021 is that we will continue to ensure the highest software […]
Organizing Testers and Testing

Introduction There is an ongoing debate about organizing testers and testing. Our plan is to summarize it for you. The first half of this article will be about testing, and the second is about testers. Essentially, there are 3 different types of testing: Inside the project, within the development team. As an independent team providing […]