Software Testing

Software Testing

Positive & Negative Testing

Introduction The main objectives of software testing are to check and validate that the software product works as intended and to enhance the software’s quality. The two major types of software testing are functional and non-functional testing. Positive and negative...

Bugs of the month in software testing: July

Software testing comes with new challenges every month. QA companies must stay up-to-date with new issues as testers must thoroughly evaluate and report each bug to the developing team.  BUG #1: Emails sent limit    Project context: A software system that...

Digital Health Platform: Testing Behind The Scenes

Introduction The digital health industry is transforming neuroscience through digital biomarkers. These digital biomarkers are establishing a new standard for both pharmacological research and clinical practice.  This week we talk about our manual software testing services to get a closer...

Getting Started with Security Testing

Introduction While learning about software testing, you will discover several ways of performing tests on a piece of software – for example, accessibility testing, functional testing, performance testing, regression testing, security testing, etc. Each type ensures that the software functions...

Non Functional Tests You’re Not Running

Introduction of Non Functional Testing types It’s been a while since most companies realized that simply developing software does not guarantee success. Building successful software also means testing it to ensure quality. In this process, several non functional testing types are crucial...

Getting Started with Appium – A Beginner’s Guide

Introduction If you’re at the beginning of your software testing journey, Appium could be the right step towards gaining new mobile app automation testing skills. With web and mobile applications becoming a necessity in our day-to-day lifestyle, we find ourselves...

Getting Started With API Testing: A Beginner’s Guide

If you are a junior looking to enhance your skills or a more experienced tester looking to revise your knowledge, you came to the right place.  This article will present what API testing is, what tools you can use, and...

Employee Spotlight: Camelia Sfîrlea

Introduction For our next employee spotlight, we present you Camelia Sfîrlea! What is your role at BetterQA? I work as a Marketing Analyst. My responsibilities vary from doing Lead Generation searches to writing technical articles for junior testers and assisting...

Comparison between Selenium and Cypress

Introduction Our last article tackled Selenium, its history, the set of tools and usability within the web-testing framework, and how to get started on your journey with Selenium. This time, we decided to dive deeper into web testing tools by...