Automation Techniques & Challenges

Automation techniques involve methods for streamlining tasks and processes, but they come with challenges like complexity, integration issues, ongoing maintenance, security concerns, and the need for skilled personnel to implement and manage them.
Automation challenges include complexity, integration issues, ongoing maintenance, security concerns, cost considerations, resistance to change, scalability, data quality, regulatory compliance, and a shortage of skilled personnel.

How a Quality Assurance Services Company Leverages Automation for Efficiency

Introduction Today’s fast-paced digital landscape demands high-quality software products more than ever before. Companies face immense pressure to release new features rapidly while ensuring their products are bug-free and perform seamlessly. BetterQA, a leading Quality Assurance Services Company, leverages automation...

5 Key Steps to Transforming Quality Assurance with Automated Testing

Introduction In today’s fast-paced and ever-evolving technological landscape, we think software quality assurance has transcended being merely a checkmark on the development checklist. It now stands as a linchpin for the successful deployment of software solutions across various industries. The...

Software Testing Revolution: Empowering QA Through AI Exploration

introduction As technology continues to evolve, the role of Quality Assurance (QA) in software development and software testing is also undergoing significant transformation. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a game-changing force in the world of QA, offering new possibilities...

Test Automation – 5 Common Mistakes to Avoid

As a software testing team, we understand the importance of test automation in improving the efficiency and reliability of our testing process. However, we have also learned from our mistakes along the way. In this article, we’ll share some common...

Debugging Software Testing – Myths

Software testing is an indispensable part of the software development process. Most people have had their hands on a software product, and while the process itself of testing a product may seem confusing and misleading, we can all agree on...

Using Code Smells to Fix Flaky Cypress Tests

Introduction We recently attended the webinar event hosted by Cypress on how to use code smells to fix flaky Cypress tests. This is where we gathered solid knowledge on improving our testing scripts. More specifically, we do it by avoiding...