Company Updates

Company Updates are announcements that convey important news and developments within a company to its stakeholders and the public.

DesignRush | B2B MarketPlace For Top Agencies

What is DesignRush? Today we would like to introduce DesignRush – a B2B marketplace that helps companies find the best professional agencies by separating them into categories based on their expertise. DesignRush was founded in 2017 by digital agency expert... Welcomes BetterQA to Its Top 7%

Introduction We are proud to announce that we have successfully been verified as vendors! That means we are now part of an exclusive community of software engineering professionals where transparency and quality are the only way in. To begin...

Top technology predictions 2021

Introduction Despite the fact that 2020 was challenging and unpredictable, it has proven to be fruitful for many tech start-ups. We’ve seen how eager investors are to pour money into anything with the keywords ‘digital,’ ‘health,’ and ‘cloud.’ From this...

2020 Business Review

Introduction Despite the stress of the pandemic and project cuts, we still managed to reinvent ourselves. We found new, creative ways to obtain projects and still had time to train our resources by attending workshops and tutorials. Something we can...