Top technology predictions 2021

Introduction Despite the fact that 2020 was challenging and unpredictable, it has proven to be fruitful for many tech start-ups. We’ve seen how eager investors are to pour money into anything with the keywords ‘digital,’ ‘health,’ and ‘cloud.’ From this...

2020 Business Review

Introduction Despite the stress of the pandemic and project cuts, we still managed to reinvent ourselves. We found new, creative ways to obtain projects and still had time to train our resources by attending workshops and tutorials. Something we can...

Organizing Testers and Testing

Introduction There is an ongoing debate about organizing testers and testing. Our plan is to summarize it for you. The first half of this article will be about testing, and the second is about testers. Essentially, there are 3 different...

Using Code Smells to Fix Flaky Cypress Tests

Introduction We recently attended the webinar event hosted by Cypress on how to use code smells to fix flaky Cypress tests. This is where we gathered solid knowledge on improving our testing scripts. More specifically, we do it by avoiding...

Cypress: “Test Your Code, not your patience.”

Introduction Cypress’ mission is to make testing simple and enjoyable by building an open-source ecosystem where you can thrive and be productive. And they take accountability for making it work. What is Cypress? Cypress is a free testing tool built...

Challenges of Mobile Application Testing?

Introduction Mobile application testing comes with many challenges that are uncommon or uncritical in desktop or server software. Testers must be aware of these challenges and how they might impact the application’s success. Typical challenges in mobile application testing include:...

Introduction to Charles Proxy on MacOS

Introduction to Charles Charles is a fast and powerful recording tool you can use to inspect and analyze requests made from/to your computer. Providing many essential features, I’ll quickly describe below some of the main ones, including the SSL Proxying, Bandwidth Throttling, and...

Benefits of Test Independence Within a Project

Introduction Quality assurance is an essential part of the software development cycle. Deciding whether to test in-house or choose an external independent testing team can be a struggle.  This article will present the advantages and disadvantages of having test independence within...

Practical Audio Testing

How to create audio files with different specifications for audio testing One of the most basic methods to create audio files with different bit depths, sample rates, and bit rates is by converting a high-quality track to different file formats....