
It’s 2023, and we return with a new entry in our Bugs of the Month series for the latter part of Q4 2022.  Let’s hope the new year will bring even more bug hunt results to help us deliver functional products. BUG #1: Event schedule errors Project context: An application that runs through Microsoft Teams....

In an ideal world, your software product should work as intended, but the reality proves otherwise. All software products have bugs. To have minimal or zero defects in your product, it is essential to do software testing. Software testing should be integrated throughout the whole software development life cycle because bug fixing costs are lower...

Software testing is an indispensable part of the software development process. Most people have had their hands on a software product, and while the process itself of testing a product may seem confusing and misleading, we can all agree on the importance of a functional, bug-free product. Prior experience with software testing can also influence...

Introduction The cycle of software testing repeats with every newly added feature. Automation testers take into consideration all the necessary steps to make sure users will receive a functional and bug-free product. Today’s article will tackle regression testing, why it is essential in product testing, its advantages, and how to execute it yourself. What is Regression...

Bugs of the month: September

Introduction Bug hunting is a relentless pursuit for every software testing company. We strive to deliver swift solutions through our QA services, and we get to find interesting bugs while doing so!  Let’s take a look at September’s issue of Bugs of the month: BUG #1: Shared connection issues Project Context: A project containing two...

Introduction – QA Outsourcing or In-house QA? The realm of software development is expansive, and with its growth comes the amplified significance of quality assurance. In the QA conundrum, businesses often ponder: in-house testing or outsourced QA? This guide will illuminate why an independent outsourced QA team is the optimal choice for modern businesses. A...

Introduction For junior software testers, job-searching begins once they decide to create their first portfolio. It’s the first thing that helps you showcase what matters to hiring managers.  What is a QA portfolio? A portfolio is a collection of documents containing your educational background, accomplishments, projects, and skills that highlight your progress in a career...

Introduction Mobile testing is a challenging task, especially if you have lots of different devices to take into consideration. For this reason, a few android emulators and iOS simulators allow you to test your app quickly before publishing it – this is vital if you need fast results. Just as the process implies, a mobile...

Mobile Testing iOS vs. Android

Introduction For years, companies and people have gravitated towards mobile devices for their online activities. With this growing trend, software development companies have adopted a mobile-first approach. Software testing has also taken a turn because of the growing mobile-centered market.  Mobile testing is crucial for conducting business today. Mobile testing refers to validating a mobile app,...